About Us

Who We Are

Kathy’s Kids Foundation (KKF) was founded by the sons of Kathleen Campbell in 2013 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to support local families caring for a loved one suffering from a critical illness, with a focus on those affected by cancer.

After overcoming her first diagnosis in 2003, we lost Kathy to stage IV breast cancer in January 2013, following a 4+ year battle. As a family, we knew we had to honor our mother by keeping her spirit of selflessness and generosity alive. Kathy spent much of her adult life helping others—as an RN at work, in the community where she helped run the local Pop Warner football league, and at home where she raised five energetic boys.

When our mom was first diagnosed with breast cancer, families in our community lined up at our door with hot meals and offers to drive one of the brothers (Kathy’s Kids) to practice. The warmth and support we received were held close to our hearts. We knew we had to provide similar support to local families facing similar situations, just as others did for us during the loss of our mother.

What We Do

Annually, Kathy’s Kids Foundation (KKF) raises funds through various seasonal events, including golf outings, basketball leagues, and cornhole tournaments. These events enable us to support local families in need, primarily by providing donations during and after the holiday season. Our goal is to relieve families of financial burdens, allowing them to focus on enjoying time together. Since its founding, KKF has assisted over 50 families and donated more than $150,000. We are proud to say that KKF continues to grow year-over-year in both donations distributed and overall awareness.

The support we provide is tailored to each beneficiary, including:

  • Funding for children’s sports programs
  • Sponsoring family vacations
  • Covering home improvements or durable medical equipment
  • Paying off overdue mortgage or car payments
  • Assisting with college education costs

We aim to make a direct and meaningful impact on the lives of our beneficiaries, understanding the significant challenges a critical illness can bring to a family.

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